This is a now page and this is what I’m currently up to:

Updated Jauary 20th, 2025, from my lab in Sendai

Doing my masters degree

Currently doing my masters degree in the Graduate School of Information Science and researching after leaving my job at IBM.

Living in Japan

It is drastically different than living back in Bangkok, the price are similar however, but the culture and the foods are very fascinating. I’m enjoying it a lot here so far.

Seaching for Good Cafes in Sendai

I’m always up for a great cup of coffee, and unlike Bangkok, the abundance of cafe in the city is significantly less, which means that the process of finding a great cafe is even harder, however, this cafe is my favorite right now:

I had a chance to chat with the owner a little bit, and he named his cafe this because he’s actually from New Zealand and wanted to bring the coffee influence from there into the coffee culture in Sendai.

Got back to play Magic The Gathering in Japan

I love playing commanders, and in Japan Magic cards are relatively cheaper than Thailand.