Jaronchai Dilokkalayakul
Jaronchai’s LinkedIn
1771/1 Pattanakarn Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250


Data Engineer, IBM
June 2023 – Present | Bangkok, Thailand

  • Developed and deployed a domain-specific, fine-tuned customer service chatbot using Large Language Models (LLM) from extensive industry-specific data to optimize call center services for a leading bank in Thailand.
  • Successfully executed an enterprise-scale data migration project for the banking industry, leveraging a robust awk-based framework, resulting in minimal downtime and allowing the bank to serve customers more efficiently
  • Utilized advanced prompt engineering techniques to fine-tune an LLM model, elevating it to an advanced API for seamless information extraction and formatting. This transformation led to accelerated decision-making processes.
  • Demonstrated excellence by participating in the IBM WatsonX Challenge 2023, implementing a WatsonX Assistant, revolutionizing the customer service process, and contributing to enhanced service delivery.

Junior AI Researcher, Thai-Nichi International College
Nov 2022 – April 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand

  • Designed and developed an image processing machine-learning iOS app within the Data Science and AI Laboratory.
  • Developed and fine-tuned various neural network models, resulting in a 20% increase in application accuracy.
  • Seamlessly integrated Keras neural network models into the native iOS development environment using CoreML.
  • Conducted testing and simulation of various architectures within the application, enhancing model robustness.

Computer Laboratory Assistant, Thai-Nichi International College
Mar 2022 – April 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand

  • Designed and executed hands-on IoT and Programming lab stations within the Digital Engineering Laboratory
  • Maintained the optimal functionality of laboratory stations, ensuring uninterrupted access for over 300 students.
  • Demonstrated subject matter expertise in IoT, offering comprehensive guidance and practical technology exposure.

Teaching Assistant, Thai-Nichi International College
Nov 2021 – Mar 2022 | Bangkok, Thailand

  • Collaborated with the instructor to deliver course content effectively for the Engineering Mechanical Design course
  • Demonstrated proactive involvement by designing and administering assignments that encouraged active learning.
  • Orchestrated the operation of the lab’s 3D printer, optimizing its utilization and providing technical assistance.


Digital Engineering (B.Eng.), Thai-Nichi International College
Jul 2020 – Mar 2024 | GPA: 3.95/4.0

  • First-ranked student in the program and full scholarship holder (covering 100% of tuition fees)
  • International Student Council (ISC) active contribution and demonstrated leadership through volunteer work
  • Department Representative, impactful community outreach initiatives in collaboration with professors and faculty.
  • An active participating member of the Sakura Science Club of the Japan Science and Technology Institute.


Certificate of Academic Excellence in 2020 and 2021
Issued by Thai-Nichi International College, Year 2020 and 2021
In recognition of outstanding academic performance, achieving the highest GPA in the program.


Download the resume here!