Hi there! I’m Jaronchai

I am a Data Engineer Intern at IBM.

Previously, I was a Junior AI Researcher at the Data Science Laboratory of TNIC. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Engineering in Digital Engineering at TNIC.

I’m also a Campus Leader for Notion@TNIC and notion certified. Check out here in case there is a Notion event that I host coming up that might interest you!

My interests include Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Data Science. As an experienced Computer Laboratory Assistant, I have a strong background in the field of technology, and I am excited to share my knowledge, experiences AND shenanigans with you

More about me - See my “about” page
What am I doing now? - See my “now” page

Selected Writings

  • I've been accepted into the Notion Campus Leader Program
  • Notion Essential Certification: What to Expect?
  • Installing Tensorflow-Metal on Apple Silicon MacOS with Miniconda
  • Book Review: The Song of Achilles
  • Hello World!

  • Have an awesome day!